YAF Summer Day Camp is a traditional styled camp that has provided children with a safe and fun summer for over 50 years. Each camper has an opportunity to grow, discover, build confidence, and develop physically as well as socially. Daily activities are supervised by nurturing counselors and adult professionals who lead the campers through an activity filled day. Many members of our staff have grown up in the camp or Dance Plus and are thrilled to pass down the camp traditions by offering encouragement and motivation. The 5-12 year old children make friends, enjoy new experiences and become a part of our fun loving camp family. Campers enjoy recreational swim, music, art and crafts, drama, dance classes, challenge courses, healthy cooking, field trips and more.
10 Weeks of Day Camp June 3rd - August 9th
Low weekly cost with three payment options:
Non-refundable registration fee of $50
Upfront payment of $750 for 10 weeks of camp
Two payments of $425 for 10 weeks of camp (week 1 and week 5)
Three payments of $316.66 for 10 weeks of camp (week 1, week 4 and week 7)
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:30 – Free play as campers arrive (includes roll call, daily announcements, dancing, games, etc.)
8:30–10:00 – 1st Cluster Groups
10:00-11:30 – 2nd Cluster Groups
11:30-12:30 – Lunch
12:30-2:00 – 3rd Cluster Groups Free swim, other activities, going home
2:00-3:00 – 4th Cluster Groups
3:00-3:30 – Break with Snack
3:30-4:30 – 5th Cluster Groups
4:30-5:00 – End of Day Group activities
Field Trips Trip Day Camp week
Makenzie Madison